Excerpt from 'Teen' magazine, dated 15th October 2001....

NAME: Twist
AGE: 19
HEIGHT: 5' 8"
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown, in little braids
OCCUPATION: Professional Wrestler
FAV MUSIC: Korn, Slipknot, The Carpenters
GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT: Winning the TFWF Lightheavyweight  Title
HOBBIES: "Flashing at prom queens, moshing, being Chad's #1 Fan"
IDEAL DATE: "Take her down the moshpit at a System Of A Down gig, followed by oral sex in the back of her car. Real romantic, y'know?"
IDEAL GIRL: "Black hair, black clothes, black make-up, black hobnail boots. Massive tits"
BIGGEST INFLUENCE: Glue, Marilyn Manson
AMBITION: "To turn the whole world weird"
QUOTE: "Only two things smell of fish. And one of them's fish"
IMMEDIATE PLANS: "What's it to you, bitch? Are you sure you're from Pro Wrestling Illustrated? I'm outta here..."




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